Public Notice No. 5496


JULY 30, 2020
The Town of Lusk held a public meeting to allow citizens to view and comment on the Town of Lusk Phase 1 Street and Utility Replacement. The meeting was held in the Town Council Chambers at Town Hall on July 30th, 2020 starting at 6:00 p.m.
Present were Bruce Perryman AVI Engineer, Logan Stowe AVI, Mayor Doug Lytle, Council Member Cal Carstensen, Director of Public Works Todd Skrukrud, Water/Sewer Superintendent John Eddy, Clerk/Treasurer Linda Frye, Niobrara County Commissioner John Midkiff, and Torrington Telegram Staff Writer Tom Milstead.
Mr. Perryman gave a power point presentation that gave information on the following:
    •    Project Overview,
    •    Phase 1 Project Limits,
    •    Purpose,

    •    Objectives and Goals of the Project,
    •    What to Expect,
    •    Pictures of the issues,
    •    Issues and Goals,
    •    Proposed and Existing Underground Utilities,
    •    Design constraints: Pavement,
    •    Project Funding,
There were enlarged maps of the Project Overview and Phase 1, and handouts of the power point and a comment sheet.
Funding sources for the project are DWSRF Loan, CWSRF Loan, and pending CCI Loan. The Town would repay the loan from the 6th penny 1% specific purpose tax that will be voted on at the General Election November 3, 2020, and user fees.
Mr. Milstead inquired about the longevity of the project and if all of the funding does not become available, what is the Town’s plan. Mayor Lytle stated that the Town would move forward with the project, but utility rates would have to be increased to meet the funding required. Mr. Milstead also asked : Given the current State of Wyoming financial times, is there a chance that the SRF program funding, for both loans and forgiveness dollars, would be reduced or eliminated such that there would be limited funds available for multi-year projects such as the Lusk project going forward with future Phase funding applications? Mr. Perryman said that is a question for Beth Blackwell SLIB Grants & Loans Manager and he would inquiry.
Mr. Perryman stated that one of the goals is to make the project attractive to Wyoming Construction Companies. The point was also stated that the infrastructure is in need of replacement due to the age and deterioration of the system. The Town is also looking at the expansion of broadband within the Town.
The Town will hold more public meetings to inform citizens of the project before the November 3, 2020 election so they can make a decision on the vote for the 1% specific purpose tax. The Towns of Manville and Van Tassell will be asked to attend these meeting.
The public meeting adjourned at approximately 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Frye Clerk/Treasurer, Town of Lusk
Public Notice No. 5496. Published in The Lusk Herald on August 26, 2020.